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Good Reads By Ayur Herbals

March Star Ingredient: Henna

March Star Ingredient: Henna

Are you looking for a natural hair dye that doesn’t hurt your scalp like chemical ones do? Ayur Herbals’ Rajasthani Henna Powder can do just that. A potent dye that also serves as a coolant, conditioner, oil balancer and hair growth elixir, henna not only imparts beautiful hues to the hair but keeps it healthy too! Read on to find out how..

● Natural hair dye: The lawsone molecules, the main constituent of the leaves of the henna plant, transfer to the hair’s outlet layer and bind with the hair protein keratin to create a stain. Thus, unlike chemical dyes that weaken the hair follicle and bleach that break the hair’s natural bonds, henna binds to the hair follicles naturally - leaving a coat of shine, colour and protection in its wake. The henna pigment can stain grey hair to a darker shade as well as delay premature greying due to the presence of tannins, which conserve natural hair colours, in the natural botanical powders used for making henna. The ability to bind to and strengthen hair strands enables henna to colour hair with a uniform appearance. An additional benefit of henna’s binding ability is that the colour henna imparts lasts longer than chemical dyes. Henna also fades much more naturally i.e. fresh coatings of henna blend in with the previous ones naturally and there are no abrupt changes in colour like those from bleaching. And finally, henna can be mixed with a variety of agents to impart different colour tones. For example, mixing it with black tea will give more of a darker brown/ black finish depending on how much of each ingredient is used.

● Works as a coolant: Rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, henna can help relieve itchiness and irritation due to its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antimicrobial properties.

● Natural conditioner for hair: Henna contains vitamin E and proteins, which provide nourishment to the hair follicles and hair shafts. Henna adds an extra layer of protection to the hair shafts, strengthening them to ward off unnecessary breaking. Thus, regular use of henna can help maintain a healthy scalp, healthy hair follicles and well fortified hair shafts, ultimately adding to the overall strength of hair.
● Balances oil production: Henna’s cooling properties work to calm and soothe overactive sebaceous glands, such that oil production is regulated. Additionally, henna also balances the pH level of the scalp and follicles, creating an optimal environment for hair growth.

● Boosts hair growth, minimizing hair damage: Henna’s antioxidant rich, which in turn protects the scalp and hair from oxidative stressors such as harmful UV rays. Another benefit of being able to fight oxidative stress is that henna can combat free radicals to restore damaged hair to its natural lustre.

Conclusion: When it comes to hair colouring, you cannot go wrong with henna! And what’s great about henna is that it can protect your hair while imparting colour, serving not only to outside looks i.e. colour but also inside defences i.e. pH balance, growth booster and more!

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